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HomeInsulinHow To Inject Insulin Pen In Thigh

How To Inject Insulin Pen In Thigh

Proper And Safe Insulin Injection Technique

How to Inject Insulin Pen in Thigh? New Alternative Types 1 and 2 Diabetes

Well, this is simple. Every time you inject insulin into body fat or muscle, its important to ensure that the area is clean and that you are using a clean syringe or insulin pen.

Insulin syringes and pen needles are designed to be used once.

And you should sanitize the intended injection site with an alcohol swab before every injection.

Is this realistically always possible? Not really not in the real life of diabetes when youre taking many injections a day. But the goal is to inject insulin into the cleanest location possible to prevent infections.

Having to inject insulin into your body on a daily basis is not fun, but it keeps us alive. The more thought and consideration you put into where you inject your insulin, the better off youll be.

How Do I Inject Using The Ozempic Pen

The following is an abbreviated quick guide to using your pen. You should read the full, illustrated manufacturers Instructions for Use each time you get a new pen, in case of any changes to the instructions.

Always carry an extra pen and new needles with you, in case of loss or damage.

Have your health care provider show you how to use the pen the first time or until you feel comfortable using it. You can also watch a video on the manufacturers website to further review how to give an injection using the Ozempic pen. If you have additional questions, ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

Prepare The Insulin And Syringe

  • Remove the plastic cap from the insulin bottle.
  • Roll the bottle of insulin between your hands two to three times to mix the insulin. Do not shake the bottle, as air bubbles can form and affect the amount of insulin withdrawn.
  • Wipe off the rubber part on the top of the insulin bottle with an alcohol pad or cotton ball dampened with alcohol.
  • Set the insulin bottle nearby on a flat surface.
  • Remove the cap from the needle.

If you’ve been prescribed two types of insulin to be taken at once , skip to the instructions in the next section.

  • Draw the required number of units of air into the syringe by pulling the plunger back. You need to draw the same amount of air into the syringe as insulin you need to inject. Always measure from the top of the plunger.
  • Insert the needle into the rubber stopper of the insulin bottle. Push the plunger down to inject air into the bottle . Leave the needle in the bottle.
  • Turn the bottle and syringe upside-down. Be sure the insulin covers the needle.
  • Pull back on the plunger to the required number of units .
  • Check the syringe for air bubbles. Air bubbles in the syringe will not harm you if they are injected, but they can reduce the amount of insulin in the syringe. To remove air bubbles, tap the syringe so the air bubbles rise to the top and push up on the plunger to remove the air bubbles. Recheck the dose and add more insulin to the syringe if necessary.
  • Remove the needle from the insulin bottle. Carefully replace the cap on the needle.

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Rotate Your Injection Sites To Avoid Lumpy Skin

If you tend to inject in the same places you may find that your flesh becomes less flexible than usual. This is called lumpy skin and means the insulin wont be absorbed as well.

Avoid having a favourite part of that area to inject into as this greatly increases the risk of lumpy skin. If this is the case, try injecting into surrounding areas, picking a new spot each time.

Each of the main four areas should give a give a good area of flesh to inject into. Using different areas of the body to inject into is insulin injection site rotation

However, you may find you have a favourite part of that area to inject into. If this is the case, try injecting into surrounding areas, picking a new spot each time.

One way to pick a non-lumpy area is to feel or squeeze the skin before injecting insulin If it doesnt feel as supple as it could be, pick a different spot to inject into.

The Insulin Is Injected Into The Subcutaneous Fatty Tissue

Diabetic Insulin Injection Pen Injecting Into Left Leg ...


Subcutaneous fatty tissue


To achieve a good insulin dose effect it is essential to inject the insulin into the subcutaneous fatty tissue and not into the muscle. Injecting insulin into the muscle can lead to severe hypoglycaemia.

Inject insulin into the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Do not inject insulin into muscle

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How To Choose An Injection Site

Insulin should be injected into the fatty tissue just under your skin. Avoid injecting insulin into your muscle. Choose one of the following injection sites :

  • Your abdomen , except for the 2-inch area around your belly button. If youre injecting rapid-acting insulin, this is the best site to use.
  • The upper and outer part of your thighs. If youre injecting long-acting insulin, this is the best site to use.
  • The upper outer part of your buttocks .
  • The back part of your upper arms.
  • Only use this injection site if someone else is giving you the injection. If youre giving yourself the injection, its too hard for you to reach the correct area at the back of your arm.

Figure 3. Injection sites

Keep track of the injection site you use. Be sure to rotate the injection sites with each injection. Within each injection site, always inject 1 to 2 inches away from the last place you injected. This can help you avoid soreness and scar tissue.

Make sure to inject at least 2 inches away from any incisions , scars, or stretch marks.

Dont inject into an area thats tender, red, bruised, or hard.

Exercise And Absorption Rate

If you plan to exercise after injecting insulin, aim to avoid the area you are about to exert the most energy from. For example, if you plan on doing a lower body workout, avoid using your thighs. Or if you are playing a game of tennis, avoid the arms, as this will increase the absorption rate and increase your risk of hypoglycemia.

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Tips For Keeping Track Of Where You Injected Last Time

A great way to rotate sites and keep track of where you injected last is to set up a cycle. You can start from left-to-right or follow the pattern of a clock, giving yourself a 12 day cycle. Using a 12 day cycle gives sites about 24 days to recover before being used again. Make sure to move a few inches from your last site.

You may also want to download an insulin injection chart and make note of the areas you are using so that you can keep track and rotate accordingly.

Important Safety Information For Lantus Solostar

How to Give an Injection with an Insulin Pen | Cincinnati Children’s

Lantus SoloSTAR is a disposable single-patient-use prefilled insulin pen. Please talk to your healthcare provider about proper injection technique and follow instructions in the Instruction Leaflet that accompanies the pen.

for Full Prescribing Information for Lantus.

for information on Sharps Medical Waste Disposal.

to learn more about Sanofis commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs.

*Eligibility Restrictions & Offer Terms:

Insulins Valyou Savings Program: Sanofi insulins included in this program are: ADMELOG® 100 Units/mL, TOUJEO® 300 Units/mL, LANTUS® 100 Units/mL, and APIDRA® 100 units/mL.

Sanofi Copay Program: This offer is not valid for prescriptions covered by or submitted for reimbursement under Medicare, Medicaid, VA, DOD, TRICARE, or similar federal or state programs including any state pharmaceutical assistance program. If you have an Affordable Care plan, you may still be qualified to receive and use this savings card. Please note: The Federal Employees Health Benefits Program is not a federal or state government healthcare program for purposes of the savings program. Void where prohibited by law.

  • LANTUS: Pay as low as $0 up to $99 for a 30-day supply, depending on insurance coverage. Maximum savings apply. Valid up to 10 packs per fill offer valid for 1 fill per month per 30-day supply

for Full Prescribing Information for Lantus.

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Tips For Choosing Sites

Fast absorption of mealtime carbohydrates is typically important to reduce after meal blood sugars, therefore, unless instructed otherwise by your healthcare provider, or if you have an increased risk of low blood sugar or reactive hypoglycemia, it’s probably smart to inject your breakfast and lunch, and maybe dinner bolus doses into the abdomen. What is not advised is to inject your breakfast insulin in the abdomen one day and into the thigh the next day. If possible, be consistent within each site and rotate accordingly.

Long-acting or bedtime insulin could be injected into the thigh, buttocks, or upper arm so that the absorption can happen gradually, covering your insulin needs throughout the night.

Ultimately, what’s most important is that you have access to a site and are consistent. The choice is always yours.

How To Rotate Your Insulin Injection Site

Insulin injection sites and how to inject insulin are a personal choice but it’s important that you rotate your insulin site and technique as this can help avoid any build-up of insulin in one spot which may affect blood sugar levels.

The best way to rotate your insulin spots is to alternate injecting insulin into the lower back, upper legs, hips, or buttocks.

Below you can find a rotation scheme that you can use to rotate your injection sites.

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How To Give An Insulin Injection

  • Clear off a clean, flat tabletop to work on.
  • Gather the following supplies:
  • A new, unused pen needle
  • 2 alcohol swabs
  • A trash can
  • Your home sharps container, such as an empty laundry detergent bottle. For information about choosing a sharps container, read the section How to Store and Dispose of Your Home Medical Sharps at the end of this resource.
  • Clean your hands with soap and warm water. To do this, wet your hands and apply soap. Rub your hands together well for 15 to 20 seconds, then rinse. Dry your hands with a paper towel and use that same towel to turn off the faucet.
  • Check your blood sugar. Its important to do this before every insulin injection.
  • Often, youll need to know your blood sugar level to know how much rapid-acting insulin to inject before a meal. To figure out your insulin dose, use the insulin sliding scale your healthcare provider gives you.
  • Even if youre injecting a set dose of insulin that doesnt change based on your blood sugar level, you still need to check your blood sugar. Its important to make sure that your blood sugar level isnt too low before you give any insulin.
  • Write down your blood sugar and the amount of insulin youre going to take on the blood glucose log your healthcare provider gave you.
  • Place the lancet you use to test your blood sugar in your home sharps container.
  • How To Give Insulin In The Arm With An Insulin Pen Or Syringe

    Insulin injection

    Injecting insulin into the upper arm can be a bit tricky to do yourself but by using your knee you can create a pinched-up area of skin to inject into. If you find this difficult, for example, if you dont have much loose skin on your arms, it may be best to choose a different injection site, such as your stomach or thigh, or ask somebody else to hold up an area of pinched skin and give your injection for you. The same method can be used whether you are using a syringe or an insulin pen.

  • If you want to, wipe the area of skin where you wish to inject the insulin into with an alcohol swab beforehand, and allow it to dry thoroughly.
  • Sit on the ground and bend your knee, then allow your upper arm to rest on your knee so that it creates a pinch-up area in the fatty tissue at the back of your arm.
  • Insert the needle from the syringe all the way into the skin at a 90-degree angle . If you are using an insulin pen, take the cap off the pen and hold the base of the pen firmly against the skin.
  • Slowly push the plunger of the syringe all the way in, and then leave the needle in the skin for 10 seconds. If you are using a pen, while holding the base against the skin, push down on the injection button. You will hear a loud click. This will insert the needle and start the injection. Keep holding the pen against your skin until you hear a second click in about 5 to 10 seconds.
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    Where Do You Inject Lantus Insulin


    Moreover, how is Lantus insulin administered?

    Inject the insulin

  • Gently clean your skin with an alcohol swab at the site selected for injection.
  • Pinch your skin gently at the site selected for injection.
  • Pierce the site with the pen.
  • Push the plunger button on the pen all the way down until the plunger meets the pen.
  • Furthermore, when should I take my Lantus injection? The package insert for Lantus states that it should be administered once daily at bedtime. However, this product does exhibit a relatively constant glucose-lowering profile over 24 hours, and therefore in theory, time of dosing should not matter if administered at the same time daily.

    Keeping this in consideration, where can I inject my insulin?

    • You can inject insulin into your abdomen, upper arm, buttocks, hip, and the front or side of the thigh.
    • Do not inject insulin into areas where you have a wound or bruising.
    • Use a different area within the site each time you inject insulin.

    How do you inject an insulin pen in your thigh?

    The injection should take place around 4 inches, or about the width of a hand, above the knee and the same distance from the top of the leg. Avoid the inner thigh due to the denser network of blood vessels in that area. Inject the medicine into a pinch of at least 12 inches of skin.

    Tips For Choosing Insulin Injection Sites

    Change injection sites with every injection. Inject at least one finger-width away from your previous injection site. If you are having 2 or more injections a day, choose a different site for your morning and afternoon doses. When injecting 2 different insulins, inject them in different sites. Use a new needle for every injection. Don’t inject deep into the muscle. Insulin should only be injected into the fatty layer under your skin. Don’t inject into fatty lumps. Don’t inject on damaged or scarred skin. Don’t move daily from one part of your body to another, such as from your tummy area to your thigh. Instead move within the area being used.

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    About Insulin Pen Needles

    Use a new insulin pen needle each time you give yourself an injection. Insulin pen needles have 4 main parts .

    • A protective tab. This helps keep the needle clean. Youll need to remove this before attaching the needle to the insulin pen.
    • An outer needle cap. This covers the needle before and after its used.
    • An inner needle cap. This helps keep the needle clean before its used.
    • A needle. This is how the injection is given into the skin.

    Figure 2. Parts of an insulin pen needle

    Where Do I Inject Insulin

    Administering a Nearly Painless Insulin Injection

    Insulin is injected just under the skin. The easiest way to do this is to pinch up a fold of skin using your thumb and forefinger if you are injecting into your stomach or thigh area, or use your knee to create a pinched up area if you are injecting into your upper, outer arm. More detailed instructions are below. Your healthcare professional can also show you how to do it.

    Insulin is injected into the less sensitive layer of fatty tissue just under the skin, so it should not hurt too much, but may sting or burn a little. You are not injecting insulin into a muscle or vein.

    To keep your skin from thickening or getting lumpy, try not to inject in the exact same spot. Instead, rotate injection places.

    Do not share needles, pens, or syringes with others. Do NOT reuse needles.

    Recommended Reading: How Are Glucagon And Insulin Secretion Controlled

    How To Take An Insulin Injection

    When your healthcare provider or diabetes educator teaches you how to give yourself an insulin injection, they may have you give yourself an injection in order to observe your technique and provide support. Once you get home and its time to give yourself an injection, you can follow these steps as a reminder. If your healthcare provider has given you individualized instructions, always follow them.

    In general, the following steps cover how to take an insulin injection:

    Before you begin, wash your hands and gather supplies, including your insulin vial or pen, a new pen needle or syringe, an alcohol swab, sharps container, and a magnifier if needed.

    How to inject insulin using an insulin pen:

    How to inject insulin with a syringe:

    A note about mixing insulin: Some people mix two types of insulin in one syringe. Mixing insulin in a syringe requires specific steps, and you will want to meet with your healthcare provider or diabetes educator to ensure that that you are accurate in dosing your insulin.

    Storage and disposal tips:

    Dispose of used pen or syringe needles safely so that no one gets an unwanted stick. Pick up a sharps container at the pharmacy, or make your own with a sturdy detergent container or similar plastic jug. Once the container is ¾ full, tape the top back on securely and contact your town to see if they have a sharps program for proper disposal. For more information on sharps disposal follow these guidelines from the FDA.


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