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HomeFactsCan A Diabetic Person Donate Blood

Can A Diabetic Person Donate Blood

Conditions For Giving Blood

Can a diabetic patient donate blood?

There are a number of conditions that may prevent you from giving blood. Some of them, although not always directly caused by diabetes, can be related, such as:

  • Ulcers related to numbness or any other numbness-related heart condition
  • If you have had complicated dental work: over time, prolonged exposure to high blood glucose levels can damage the teeth, giving people with diabetes a heightened risk of needing complicated dental work such as a tooth extraction
  • If you have had a pancreatic tissue transplant, you will not be eligible to give blood

Truth: Many Types Arent Recognized

As stated before type 1 and type 2 are the most recognized and talked about types, putting the image out that they are the only variants of the disease.

A recent study has proposed that there are 5 types. The first type is what we know as type 1, but the other 4 have expanded and honed in on type 2. In the research the types are known as clusters:

Can Donating Blood Lower Your A1c

Keeping the A1C levels in margins is crucial to judge your overall diabetic performance and record your everyday blood sugar management. But does donating blood affect it in any way?

Well, it is noted that after donating blood, your A1C may have falsely lowered values. It is nothing to worry about as it not a perfect observation and is affected only temporarily.

Although your A1C levels may look low, it is out of danger. You would be under no health risks and can carry on with your diabetes management regularly.

Your A1C records are lower because after donating blood, the blood loss is immediately refilled by the body. This brings in the cell turnover giving rise to new Red Blood Cells in the body.

With newer cells in the blood, these have an unaffected record. Thus, these non-glycosylated cells color the overall A1C reports.

Over time, these new cells will eventually get glycosylated, and your A1C will again show up as normal like it used to be.

You can even talk to doctors about your donation and A1C levels for more safety in these lines. They will be able to carry out respective tests to ensure that everything is okay. Moreover, they may even have other advice that is specific to your diabetic health conditions.

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How Can I Prepare For Donating Blood

Before you decide to donate blood, there are a few ways you can prepare to make sure your donation is successful. You should:

  • Drink plenty of water leading up to the donation. You should increase your water intake a few days before your scheduled donation.
  • Eat iron-rich foods or take an iron supplement one to two weeks before the donation.
  • Sleep well the night before your donation. Plan on getting eight or more hours of sleep.
  • Eat balanced meals leading up to your donation and afterward. This is especially important when you have diabetes. Maintaining a healthy diet that keeps your blood glucose levels low is key to having control of your condition.
  • Limit caffeine on donation day.
  • Bring a list of the medications you are currently taking.
  • Carry identification with you, such as your drivers license or two other forms of identification.

After the donation, you should monitor your blood sugar level and continue to eat a healthy diet. Consider adding iron-rich foods or a supplement to your diet for 24 weeks following your donation.

In general, you should:

  • Take acetaminophen if your arm feels sore.
  • Keep your bandage on for at least four hours to avoid bruising.
  • Rest if you feel lightheaded.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours after the donation. This includes exercise as well as other tasks.
  • Increase your fluid intake for a few days following your donation.

If you feel sick or are concerned about your health after the blood donation, contact your doctor immediately.

Ive Known For A Long Time That People With Diabetes Are In Fact Able To Donate Blood But I Thought It Might Be A Good Focus For Those Who Want To Do More Outside Of The Diabetes World To Help Clear Up Any Misinformation You Might Have As A Potential Donor Read On

Can A Person With Type 2 Diabetes Donate Blood ...

Direct from the American Red Cross, you can see that it means a lot to those who may need a blood transfusion or another product of blood, Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Whether a patient receives whole blood, red cells, platelets or plasma, this lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. With this last year decreasing the ability to go places as well as the worry about visiting more clinical locations, the blood supply is at a low level and will take the help of many to get back to the levels needed.

This is important, but as we know with diabetes, there are variables to consider. Thankfully, there are good guidelines defining those that are eligible as well as a checklist to consider for donating blood successfully and healthfully when you live with diabetes.

According to the NIH, diabetes itself shouldnt impact a persons ability to donate if several criteria are met. In general, someone who donates should:

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What Can I Expect After Donating Blood

You should monitor the blood sugar level after the donation and try to maintain a balanced diet. For 24 weeks after your gift, try adding iron-rich foods or a supplement to your diet. You can, in general,

  • When your arm is stiff, take acetaminophen.
  • To stop bruising, keep the bandage on for at least four hours.
  • When you are lightheaded, relax.
  • For 24 hours after the gift, stop strenuous exercise. This requires exercise and other activities as well.
  • Following your gift, increase your fluid consumption for a few days.

If you feel ill following a blood donation or are worried about your fitness, call your doctor immediately.

Can I Donate Blood While Pregnant

The Red Cross asks that pregnant women wait at least six weeks after giving birth before donating blood. They need time to rest and ensure proper vitamins are delivered throughout their pregnancy also, theres a chance of complications such as anemia which can be jeopardized by donating too soon after getting back in shape!

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Can Diabetic People Donate Blood

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration does not have any regulatory restrictions against diabetics donating blood other than if the individual has received bovine source insulin since 1980. The concern here is not the diabetes but rather the bovine spongiform encephalopathy. As bovine source insulins were not widely available in the US, the diabetic would have had to specifically import it from Europe. Donors may mistake this deferral as being due to their having diabetes. Here is the FDA guidance (Each blood collection center in the US can have criteria more stringent that either the FDA and AABB so there is some variability among blood centers. At the collection center where I work, we allow donors with diabetes, whether controlled with diet, oral hypoglycemics, or insulin, to donate. The only instance where I can think where diabetes would have a negative affect on blood product and therefore an adverse effect on the patient would be in the rare instances where we collect granulocytes. If the donor had poor glucose control, this could impair neutrophil function. Since granulocyte donors are usually stimulated with corticosteroids, which would worsen glucose control, diabetics are deferred from granulocyte donation at my institution so this is not an issue.Continue reading > >

Can A Diabetic Donate Blood

Blood donation by a diabetic, hypertensive and thyroid patients

Giving blood is an important way to help people in need. In order for you and your donated red cells or white ones , its crucial that both type 1 AND 2 diabetes are under control- meaning healthy BG levels! If this isnt possible then there may be restrictions on when/how often one can donate but rest assured we will work with all donors closely here at LG& M Blood Center so they dont feel too bad about missing out due their health condition

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Truth: You Can Donate

The truth is that people with diabetes can donate blood, but some factors can defer you from donating.

Blood sugar levels are a big one. If you are within your target range set by your doctor and are in good health then you can donate. If your sugar levels are not in range or you are having trouble keeping them in your target range, you cant donate blood.

Blood with too much sugar doesnt store well and may go bad by the time its needed. Its also a good idea to touch base with your doctor before donating or even if youre interested in donating.

Insulin is another factor that can make or break a blood donation. If you have used bovine-derived insulin at any point in time since the 1980s you cant donate. This is due to the concern around mad cows disease and how it can be transferred during blood transfusions.

There is a running list of medications that deter you from donating. Its a good idea to review this list when you are considering giving blood. Keep in mind that not all diabetic medications are on this list and you have a chance of donating.

It doesnt matter what type of diabetes you have. As long as your sugar is kept within the target range and you arent taking any banned medications you should be able to donate.

Truth: A Healthy Diet Is Encouraged But You Dont Have To Stick To A Strict One

Years ago the American Diabetes Association recommended that those with diabetes eat specific amounts of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. This has changed and now the association does recommend specific amounts anymore.

Its suggested that those with diabetes get their carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. They should avoid foods high in sodium, sugar, and fats. This may seem like a strict way to eat, but the reality is everyone should be eating like this.

If you need help creating a meal plan, reach out to your doctor. The two of you can come up with a diet or eating habits that fit your health and lifestyle.

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Can Diabetes Patients Using Oral Diabetes Medication Donate Blood

Yes, persons using oral medications and diet to control their diabetes are welcome to donate. Again, their diabetes must be well-controlled and they must be well when presenting to donate blood.

Most medication used to treat diabetes are classed as category B drugs. Therefore, are considered safe if one should opt to become a blood donor.

  • Understanding the categories of medication

Medications are assigned to five letter categories based on their level of risk to foetal outcomes in pregnancy. It can give one a good idea on the level of safety of a drug at a glance. This is of importance in transfusion as a fair percentage of SANBS blood products are used by pregnant women, women in labour or who are post-partum, and, of course, we also supply blood products for use in babies and children.

So, category A is the safest category of drugs to take. Category B medications are medications that are used routinely and safely during pregnancy. The C and D category drugs have shown positive evidence of human foetal risk but potential benefits of the drug may warrant use in pregnant women. Category X is never to be used in pregnancy. This is a classification based on the safety of a drug in pregnancy and lactation.

Pregnancy Category

FDA has not yet classified the drug into a specified pregnancy category.

Can I Donate Plasma If I Have Tattoos

Who can give blood

If you have recently gotten a body piercing, tattoo or had it touched up in the past 12 months then please let us know so we can tell when would be eligible donate. If Its been awhile since your last blood donation and want make sure everything is ready for next time by checking with our staff first before coming back!

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Diabetes & Heart & Donating Blood

If you are a diabetic and you have had heart problems before then you are not eligible to donate blood. This also includes those people who have:

  • Experienced giddiness and faintness as a result of heart problems
  • Have heart failure
  • Had a surgery for narrowed arteries or blocked arteries including amputation

Diabetes Medication & Donating Blood

If your diabetes medication has not changed in the last four weeks, then you can give blood. However, what to keep in mind is that the medication changes include a dosage change and also the type of medication taken. So if your diabetes doctor has changed your medication recently, that will cause an effect on your blood glucose levels which will put you at a health risk.

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How Can I Prepare Myself For Donating Blood

There are a couple of ways you can plan to ensure your donation is successful before you want to donate blood you Should:

  • Drink plenty of water right up to the gift. A few days prior to your planned contribution, you can increase your water consumption.
  • One or two weeks before the gift, eat iron-rich foods, or take an iron supplement.
  • The night before your gift, sleep tight. Intend to get eight hours of sleep or more.
  • Eat nutritious meals leading up to and after the gift. When you have diabetes, this is extremely important. It is essential to maintaining control over your condition to sustain a balanced diet that maintains your blood glucose levels down.
  • Limit caffeine on the day of the gift.
  • Bring a list of the drugs you are taking at the time.
  • Bring documents, such as a drivers license or two other identification forms, with you.

How To Prepare For Blood Donation

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Dr. Chadha further guides that “Do not fast for blood donation. Have a good meal and provide your sample before donating. Some people feel giddy, so it’s advisable to have a proper meal and not go on an empty stomach.”

“We need to break this myth. Every healthy individual should try donating blood. At blood banks and centres, as experts, we care for the recipient and the donor’s safety and diabetic should not hesitate,” concludes Dr. Deshpande.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Can Diabetics Donate Plasma

The largest part of the blood is plasma. It carries salts, water and takes nutrients, proteins, and needed contraceptives to the bodys most needed part.

Plasma donation is a way of helping out others who are in dire need of it. People need a transfusion for several reasons, as there are many types of medical conditions. Diabetes patients can always give out blood, but there are essentials to be met before they can do so.

Diabetes patients must ensure their blood glucose is under control regularly and also eat a balanced diet. You must seek your doctors advice before you donate blood. Your doctors know more about how eligible you are to do so.

Also, when you see that the level of your blood sugar is still intact according to your doctors diagnoses and your health is good shape, you can still be able to donate blood, but if you are still struggling to regulate your blood glucose level, it is not advisable to donate blood at that time.

It would be better to refer your physician before you donate plasma.

Can You Donate Blood If You Are Diabetic

Diabetes, in simple terms, is a health condition when a person suffers from high blood sugar, because the pancreas do not produce sufficient insulin in the body. People who have a total lack of insulin are type 1 diabetes while people who cannot use insulin effectively are type 2 diabetes. It is generally safe for people with diabetes to donate blood under normal health conditions. People with diabetes can donate blood, as long as they maintain healthy blood sugar levels at the time of blood donation, according to Dr Sanjay Reddy, Consultant Diabetologist, Fortis Hospital at Cunningham Road, Bangalore. However, the ones who have used bovine insulin in the past are refrained from donating the blood due to the risk of mad cow disease. Apart from it, if a person has no complications caused by diabetes which has affected their eyes, blood vessels or kidneys, the person is eligible to donate blood. Here are common misconceptions about blood donation.Things a diabetes patient needs to take care of before donating blood:

  • Make sure youve had enough sleep.
  • Eat a healthy meal.

Things a diabetes patient needs to take care of after donating blood:

  • Monitor your blood sugar level.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Include iron-rich foods or a supplement for 24 weeks following your donation.
  • If you feel sick or are concerned about your health after the blood donation, contact your doctor immediately.

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Can Type 1 Diabetics Donate Plasma

Type 1 diabetics patients report a high rise of blood glucose level about 3 to 6 days after donating blood. The loss of blood and dehydration could cause this.

People with type 1 diabetes can donate plasma but must ensure proper monitoring of blood sugar levels and eat nourishing food to keep the body healthy. You should also consume more iron and drink more water.

You can give as much blood or plasma as you can every 55-56 days, make sure you keep your diabetes under good control.


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